
icon 2024-08-13 15:10:38
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  Project Name:Conceptual Design for Feilong Lake Science and Technology Innovation Research and Development Center and Supporting Facilities


  Host: Taizhou Luqiao Feilong Lake Ecological Zone Construction and Development Center


  Organizer: Taizhou Luqiao Yike Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.


  Soliciting Agency:Hangzhou Green Innovation Planning and Consulting Co., Ltd.


  Technical Support: Shen Lei chief Planning Team of China Eco-city Academy  、 Hangzhou Green Innovation Planning and Consulting Co., Ltd.


  Contact: "View WeChat Official Account “gh_d6da0290be70”(Urban City Planner).



Project Overview


  The Feilong Lake Science and Technology Innovation Research and Development Center and its supporting facilities will be situated in the core area of the Feilong Lake Ecological Zone. The project encompasses a construction area of approximately 200,000 square meters, including 140,000 square meters of above-ground building space. The total investment for the project is estimated at 1.3 billion yuan. As a landmark building in the Feilong Lake area, the project will primarily serve the needs of entrepreneurs and scientists, while also catering to local residents, tourists, and families. The center aims to become a vibrant urban complex that includes research and office spaces, commercial displays, shopping and leisure areas, cultural and entertainment venues, and sports facilities. It is expected to serve as a dynamic engine driving the development of the Feilong Lake area, an urban observation deck for Feilong Lake, and a popular attraction, thereby playing a significant role in the ecological zone’s development.



Project Location


  The project is located in the Feilong Lake area of Luqiao District, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province (refer to Diagram 1).

  △ 图1项目区位

  Diagram 1  Project Location


  Design Scope



Study Scope


  The research area for this project is situated south of Feilong Lake, north of planning branchway 3 Road, east of Tongjiang Avenue, and west of Tongyu Island Avenue, encompassing a total land area of 1.05 square kilometers (refer to Diagram 2).

  △ 图2研究范围

  Diagram 2  Study Scope



Design Scope


  This project consists of four plots, in addition to the eastern reserved roads and green space,covering a total land area of 10.43 hectares .The land area distribution is as follows: 2.01 hectares for plot 1; 1.47 hectares for plot 2; 1.74 hectares for plot 3; 2.35 hectares for plot 4. The reserved roads and green spaces account for an additional 2.86 hectares (refer to Diagram 3).

  △ 图3设计范围

  Diagram 3  Design Scope



Planning Indicators


  This project encompasses four distinct plots, with the following planning indicators for each plot (all indicators are subject to final planning conditions; the design team should coordinate to incorporate any necessary modifications):


  The design scheme submission for this competition will include the following main design contents. The specific contents shall be subject to the Design Brief released later.



Business Layout Research


  Conduct an in-depth analysis of the urban design of the Feilong Lake area, investigating the distribution and positioning of surrounding commercial, office, and hotel facilities, to clarify the market positioning of this project. The project should develop in a manner that complements other facilities in the vicinity (including planned commercial, office, and hotel facilities) and aligns with the overall planning requirements of the Feilong Lake area. The research should encompass, but not be limited to, overall positioning, primary functions and ratios, preliminary study on commercial positioning and business models, providing a basis for project development, construction, and subsequent operations.



Conceptual Scheme Design

  针对设计范围内的4个地块进行概念方案设计, 内容包括但不限于:设计理念、总图布局、立面造型、主要功能平面布局、竖向设计、投资估算等。

  Develop conceptual scheme designs for four plots within the designated design area. The design should include, but not be limited to: design philosophy, master plan layout, façade design, main functional floor layouts, vertical design, and investment estimation.



Conceptual Scheme Refinement


  Complete the refinement of the architectural conceptual scheme design for the Feilong Lake Science and Technology Innovation Research and Development Center and supporting facilities project. The relevant deliverables (which should meet the depth requirements for planning submissions) will be provided to the subsequent entities (which will be separately tendered for follow-up scheme design, preliminary and construction drawing design) for planning submission processes and other related procedures.



Registration Requirements


  All applicant units must hold a valid business license registered in their respective countries (or equivalent legal documents overseas) and must be independent legal entity. Enterprises or institutions with the same legal representative, parent companies and their wholly-owned subsidiaries, and companies with a controlling relationship will be regarded as the same applicant and cannot register simultaneously.Entries from non-independent legal entities or natural persons will not be accepted.


  Applicants may register individually or form a consortium with other applicants (hereinafter referred to as the consortium). The number of consortium members (including the leading unit) shall not exceed three. As this project includes market research, design entities from both domestic and international markets are encouraged to form a consortium with entities capable of market research. Additionally, each member of the consortium cannot separately or under other names form a consortium with other enterprises or institutions to participate in this solicitation. Each member of the consortium must sign a legally binding “Consortium Agreement”, specifying the leading entity and the division of labor and equity shares among the parties.The leading unit of the consortium shall be responsible if the division of labor of all parties has unclear rights and responsibilities or omissions.If the applicant is an international entity (including those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) without a subsidiary or branch in Mainland of China, it must form a consortium with a domestic entity to participate.





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