
icon 2024-12-26 10:01:02
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  Wallpaper, wall coverings, and murals, which are both beautiful and practical wall decoration materials, are the choices for many home decoration projects. However, to make these decorative materials perfectly adhere to the wall, scientific and rigorous construction techniques and high-quality adhesive products are required.


  Mixing glue: prefect water rate for prefect adhesion


  Mixing glue, it is most important and the first step of pasting wallpaper or mural. The correct method mixing glue is the base for wallcovering. During process of mixing glue, it need to follow the order of first pouring water and then pouring the glue powder to avoid glue clumping; At the same time, the mixed glue need to leave for few minutes, so that adhesive powder to fully dissolve and achieve the best fineness and lubrication.


  The science of construction: meticulous attention to detail, achieving flawless decoration


  Construction is the key step in perfectly presenting wallpaper, wall coverings, and murals on the wall. During the construction, we need to pay attention to details and ensure that every step of the operation is precise and correct. For wallpaper base, steps such as evenly applying glue, folding and placing, and gradually pasting are most important; for wallcloth, apply glue evenly on the wall surface to ensure that there are no missed brushes around the edges and corners. In addition, attention should close all windows and halls during construction. After construction, it should be dried in the shade to prevent wallpaper and wall cloth from curling up.

  粉霸糯胶粉:墙纸墙布好伴侣  supper wallcovering adhesive:prefect partner of wallcovering

  在众多墙纸墙布壁画胶粉粘合剂中,粉霸以其卓越的产品优势脱颖而出。粉霸是江门致恒科技材料有限公司旗下淀粉胶品牌,墙纸墙布胶粉源头工厂(wallpaper adhesive factory),粉霸墙纸墙布胶粉不仅具有优异的粘合性能,能够确保墙纸墙布与墙面之间的牢固粘合,还具有出色的初粘性和后粘性,让粘贴饰材初上墙时易挪动,对花整齐,在饰材定型后,发挥后粘性,加倍粘力,牢贴饰材。

  It is the best for its quality among numerous wallcovering adhesive. Super wallcovering adhesive is flag brand of Jiangmen Xinhui Zhiheng technology material Co.,Ltd. Wallpaper adhesive factory, it not only has excellent adhesion, ensuring a strong bond between wallpaper and wall covering; but also has excellent initial and post adhesion, easy to move and align the design of wallpaper while just pasting on wall. It will turn much strong viscosity while it dry.


  Wallcovering adhesive easy to use, mix, take. At the same time, it has good environmental performance, made from natural edible plant starch, non-toxic, harmless, and non-volatile, top level of mildew proof.

  粉霸配套产品多样,可以满足多样需求:various items for different requirements


  mildew proof wallcovering glue: made of edible starch, non-toxic and odorless,top level mildew proof, delicate and sticky, specially designed for pasting wallpaper and wall cloth.


  transparent color mildew proof wallcovering glue: made of food grade starch, clear and soft, delicate and smooth,specially made for pasting light colored wallpaper to prevent penetration, marking, and glue overflow.


  All purpose water base primer: mildew proof primer & 838 hard primer, water-based environmentally friendly product, top level mildew proof. First item not only protect wall,but also cover the old wall,turn white after dry. Second item for sealing wall surface, Moisture resistant and alkali resistant, suitable for putty wall base coating, and also a water rate can be 1:3.


  By correct method of mixing glue and construction techniques,and choose the prefect wallcovering product, made the construction easy and fast, also green and healthy living environment.s




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